Wednesday 31 December 2008

Christmas Holidays

Just got back from 3 days camping down at Kingscliff and all are very tired, had an absolute ball playing in the waves and snorkling around the bays (with my present Santa bought me). We had a couple of storms come through at night and the tent held up very well, is always nice to wake up to a sunny morning the next day however. I will organise some photos when we get back next time (as we are going back again on Sunday for 4 nights).
In the mean time i hope all have a wonderfull new years eve and we will catch you next year !!!
xx C & I

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Christmas Update

It’s almost Christmas time and I don’t know about you lot, but we sure as hell are looking forward to a bit of time off, heading down to Kingscliff for 28th and 29th, and from 3rd through to 7th Jan also, camping in the beachfront Caravan park. Beautiful beach and very laid back little seaside town, see pic.

We havn’t been doing a great deal, a couple of pics of Isaac playing cricket and me at my work Christmas party so you don’t forget what we look like.

Well, that's a bit of news for you, will be having Christmas morning at home, or close by (at Tanja’s) then heading down to Tanja’s parents place for the afternoon to relax by the pool and generally soak up the Christmas sunshine. OK One last Pic of Me a Tan at a Mexican Party a few weeks back.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Smiling down on us

Venus, Jupiter and the Moon lined up last night just after dusk..smiling down on us.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Brisbane is Stormin !!

Big storms hit Brisbane's northside on Sunday night, some pics above. Where we are got a fair bit of rain thunder and lighting but not much damage, thank God, Power is now just being restored to some, at the peak 140,000 people with no power after 48 hrs was still at 40,000 people. At this point in time about 8,000 people still out.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Isaac's 11th Birthday

So anyway seems like it's time get get back onto this blog, about time i hear a certain wise women say, well yes your right, it is.

Anyway better late than never aye.

So Isaac has his 11th Birthday on the 10th Nov and seem to go off without a hitch, got some pretty good loot as you can see from the pics above and on Ma and Pa's blob

Also Tanja made I a huge cake which he was pretty happy with as you can imagine.

Tuesday 15 January 2008

WOOOHOOO inspired

Hey all you technologically advanced people out there...welcome Zac and Carl to your ranks. Yes it's true we have finally managed to navigate this thing they call the instanet (or something) and boy is it instant...'spose that's why they thought up such an appropriate name ? note to time you invent something, pick an appropriate name, will take off better.

Anywho...Let me tell you a few things or two...Xmas is over and you remember that big heavy present Zac was holding onto...well turns out it was a set of speakers and sub-woofer (wow fully sick) for Zac to plug his new iPod now he has his own little sound system in his room, and no Dad i don't have to tell him to turn it down all the fact i don't mind a bit of Social Distortion belting out at 6am, kinda cool i think (wonder where he gets that from). He also got a cool AFI poster for his room and a few other bits and pieces.

We had a nice day Zac and I together on Christmas day, just hanging out, i even did a baked ham with honey and brown sugar glaze (impressed Mum?) we managed to get a swim in between the showers. Speaking of which the weather has been a little wet here lately, which we are actually enjoying, the temp stays down (a bit cold sometimes, even got down to 22 degrees last night) and the lord knows we need the rain to fill the dams up.

My new job is going great, it's a tough life being one of only two males in the country (220 staff in our brand) i have a feeling the conference is going to be a drag too, but hey. Otherwise been going really well and am enjoying the change of industries a great deal, it's also a nice change to be working in the city.

Anyway, that's about all i can muster tonight, stay tuned for the next installment, as soon as i can work out how to let you all know the address for this thing.

RIP Sir Ed...the world certainly is a different place now..thanks