Wednesday 19 November 2008

Brisbane is Stormin !!

Big storms hit Brisbane's northside on Sunday night, some pics above. Where we are got a fair bit of rain thunder and lighting but not much damage, thank God, Power is now just being restored to some, at the peak 140,000 people with no power after 48 hrs was still at 40,000 people. At this point in time about 8,000 people still out.

Tuesday 18 November 2008

Isaac's 11th Birthday

So anyway seems like it's time get get back onto this blog, about time i hear a certain wise women say, well yes your right, it is.

Anyway better late than never aye.

So Isaac has his 11th Birthday on the 10th Nov and seem to go off without a hitch, got some pretty good loot as you can see from the pics above and on Ma and Pa's blob

Also Tanja made I a huge cake which he was pretty happy with as you can imagine.