Tuesday 31 March 2009

Been a while

It's been a while since last update, apologies to all, been pretty busy with work and home etc.

We had a housewarming party a couple of weeks back, come dressed as your favourite rock-star, or in many cases come as anyone you can think ! Needless to say a good night was had by all, assisted somewhat by the jelly shots (maybe put a wee bit much Vodka in them).

I think that's Carole King

That's Mike Ness (early Social Distortion years) kissing a very hot looking Posh Spice.

Not sure if this next photo was the next day (me doubts it) but thought you might like to see the happy family.

And, lastly i couldn't resist putting this one on for you to see, Isaac and Jesse dressing up being stupid. (dont know where they get that from)