Saturday 18 April 2009

The Suprise

So anyway, Mum has been with us for a few days now and having a relaxing and enjoyable time. Spent Tuesday at Australia Zoo with all the boys, Tanja and Carl, then spent Wednesday afternoon lunching with Tanja's parents down at their home in Teviot Downs south of Brisbane.
Thursday night the suprise came, Dad (Evan) decided to pop in us from Greytown. This was a suprise to all but Tanja and I obviously, he had to get permission, Isaac was very excited to see Farfar and i think Mum was too, at least i think they were tears of joy.

We have got back from watching a few boys play soccer this morning, Tim lost 4-1, Jesse won 11-6, and Isaac won a tight game 2-1.

Sandy has now been officaly re-named, and is now know as Maddie (Madaline) due to her tendancy to be a little on the silly side on occasion (Mad-Dog) not unlike the late great Rambo (dog version),

Mum and Dad have just got out of the pool, pics of the mad Kiwi's will follow shortly.

Bye for now.

Friday 10 April 2009

New addittion to the family

Finally ....I'm allowed a new dog, i've been waiting almost 20 years for this. Today we got a delivery of a 4 month old golden Lab (she's our biatch). Friends of some friends got her and don't have enough time for her so we accepted the challenge to provide her with a loving home.

Here's Tim and Jesse and Carl and Sandy (soon to be the dog formally known as Sandy) Isaac's the one behind the camera, Think Tanja was cooking something yummy, and Heidi (dog that we are looking after), Heidi and Sandy are getting on great

Isn't she cute, reminds me of a mad-dog i used to run around with in my youth. Sure the boys will have many years of fun and chewed shoes !!
So just thought would show you those pics. Looking forward to Mum coming to Brisbane soon. Happy Easter to all of you.