Tuesday 7 July 2009

It's the holidays !

Welcome to the holidays, for the first time in a long time I'm on school holidays!

Resident carer Carl, at your service.
Having now finished work, and the kids on holdidays, i thought i should give a bit of an update on what we have been up to recently, as i think that in no time at all I will be far too busy studying to be able to talk to anyone, let alone blog the details of our lives. Anyway.

So, it all started with a bit of a lazy day, sitting around in the dirt, enjoying the sunshine and good company.

Then, the sun started to go down, so we went out the front yard and waited to see what the sun would do once it went behind the bushes.

Well, it was certainly worth the wait.

On, Monday 6th Isaac, Jesse, Tim and Carl decided we had had enough the city, and decided to go prospecting, what for? I hear you ask. Well, Thuder Eggs I tell ye! Thunder Eggs are formed by volcanic gasses being trapped in the earth and over many many many years and become somewhat focilised, creating all sorts of wonderful patterns and sometime crystals inside.

Isaac, sat pawing at the ground hopeing something would mericulously appera in front of his eyes.

Tim, thought maybe if i bash the crap out of the ground, then they will tire of that and jump out at him yelling "stop enough already, just take me, leave the others in peace", but alas, to no avail.

Jesse manage to fing th biggest "rock" he could find, decided to call it a Thuder Egg and started excavating it, soon joined by the others, who were convinced dear old Dad would lug the thing 500 metres down the hill. Well, guess what. Many an hour spent excavating only to be advised, NO ! We are not taking that thing down!

So we went home with our buckets full of smaller samplings and resented our weary eyes for a time.

On, Sunday we decided to have a BOMB! Fire, where we toasted marshmellow and ourselves, the dogs slobbered all over the place trying to get the marshmellows and generally had a great time trying to keep warm enough without burning our asses! Was great fun and boys had a great sleep afterwards.