Monday 28 September 2009

Back from the brink

Hi all who care (that's all of you in case you've frogotten).

I cannot believe it but it's school holiday time again, more to the point all my assignments are in (except one that is Due Nov 4th) hence this blog entry.

Yes, i have been a busy boy since the last entry, no excuse i know, what with Uni and all, so here is a quick rundown on what we have been up to.

Tim and Jesse changed schools to Junction Park (same as Isaac) and are having a great time, love the school etc etc, we ending up moving house earlier than expected as the people who owned the house we were in decided Brisbane was a better place to be than Germany (go figure), so we found a nice little place in Annerley two streets away from the boys school, so they can now walk to and from every day, closer for both myself and Tanja to get to Uni and work respectively, and all in all a very handy position, also close to bus for Isaac to go to High School next year (ahhhhhh). We are very happy in our own (not quite) little home, Maddie has grown so much, as is still a very good natured dog, really great fro the kids.

Uni is going really well, very busy, but well worth it. Have had two days at my prac school, and about to start a 4 week block, which i am looking forward too.
I'm sure there has been other stuff, but hey, you snooze you lose.