Tuesday 19 January 2010

Cheers to All.

Cheers to all the wonderful NZed's who made our Christmas?New Year trip wonderful.

We had a great time in NZ as can be seen from the various pictures below, which is just a selection of the 700+ photos that were taken.

I'm not quite sure where to start, so I may as well start at the beginning.....

Once apon a time there were 4 mad males (Carl, Isaac, Jesse and Tim) and a beautiful princess (Tanja) who decided that it was far too hot in their land for them to spend Christmas in comfort
. So they got into thier magnificent flying machine (2 of the boys had never been in it before), and traveled for many days and nights, and inand out of weeks (borrowed from a great book) to the Land of the Long White Cloud (and wind, and rain). They landed in the middle of the night, it was cold, so cold that they ran screaming to their
awaiting transport and pounded on the doors, this in fact was an utter waste of time , as they had to wait for the locals who picked them up to arrive anyway (they didn't run as they were used to the freezing conditions).

When they did arrive at where they were going, which was a little town in the realm of the great Wirarapa called Greytown, they slept and slept, until they could not sleep anymore, then they woke up, ate and slept some more. This seemed to go on for days, so I'll skip the rest of the sleeping and the eating and the sleeping again, but you get the point, there was an awful lot of sleeping going on (and eating).

The weather was beautiful, exactly what they were looking for, fine and sunny but not too hot. They spent many an hour in the yard, reading, lying in hammocks, drinking the finest brown ales that the realm produced, and generally lazing about. Sounds relaxing aye?

Then a mammoth storm hit the village, his name was Tom, and he was ferocious (but so soooo cute at the same time as being ferocious), he kidnapped one of the boys Tim and followed him around for days, saying things like Tim Tim Tim Tim look at this, Tim Tim Tim Tim come here
and play this, generally they had a great time together and bonded like chewing gum on Jandels. In the end Tim didn't mind being kidnapped.

Then came the time of great presents. No one had ever seen a tree with so many presents under it in there lives. (But first they had to battle the tree keepers and bring one of the prized 'fur' trees to the great hut). There where presents big and small, and the Princess Tanja managed to get some pretty good bling, as she was the farest in the land all would try and woo her with thier gift giving abilities, but......

there can be only one winner.

One of the Gods trying to battle the storm (Tom), lets call him Steve, had a bit of a misshap
while taking a break challenging the tiny males in a game they called Soccer, me thinks he is getting a bit old for all this sky larking about, but the tiny males did so love watching him run around and falling down.

The tiny males also enjoyed playing a game they called crocket (or something like that) in the land behind the great hut, it pays to be small and quick in this game, else one gets tripped up while running.

Stay tuned for the next riverting episode of "Cheers to All" when the clan discovers another realm called Taranaki...