Tuesday 18 November 2008

Isaac's 11th Birthday

So anyway seems like it's time get get back onto this blog, about time i hear a certain wise women say, well yes your right, it is.

Anyway better late than never aye.

So Isaac has his 11th Birthday on the 10th Nov and seem to go off without a hitch, got some pretty good loot as you can see from the pics above and on Ma and Pa's blob http://greystoned.blogspot.com/2008/11/isaacs-loot.html

Also Tanja made I a huge cake which he was pretty happy with as you can imagine.


Harvey family said...

Yahoo Carl keep it up! Back on the blog - gorgeous photos and love the loot Isaac! What did the cake taste like? Was it chocolate? Big hugs from us, and a big high/low and out to the side 5 from Thomas. xoxo PS - On your pic - what are you walking for?

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Happy birthday Isaac, looks you had a nice day.