Tuesday 2 December 2008

Smiling down on us

Venus, Jupiter and the Moon lined up last night just after dusk..smiling down on us.


Harvey family said...


Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Jo, that was the first word that came out of my mouth.

btw I added a blog list inspired by you guys - how are you allowed to know more about blogging than me?

No longer are you guys the one blog wonders!

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

ps - we saw the same last night but it was upside down on planet Belgium.

Greystone said...

Wow!! Carl and Isaac you caught us out. we were checking up on Sue's blog and found your new blogs. Well done. The pics are amazing. Lightning comes out pretty cool doesn't it.

Get Isaac to have a look at my classes wiki. There are some cool sites on it. They love the times tavble one at Tutpup.


Love mum and dad

Kristina Martin said...

seems like everyone else sees the night sky except for us brusselians. only snow clouds and snow here this week. steve and claudia arrive tomorrow plus Jens and Hanne, friends from Denmark - its been 2 years since St Martins.... they are here to celebrate 42 and Claudia's birthday too. hugs. k&g

Greystone said...

Kiwis in Eizer must be standing on their heads, what? Either that or we are in danger of falling off into the abyss to the south, or something. Thanks heavens for gravity!

A lovely picture.

By the way Mike and Sue, what's a btw? Before The Wedding? Better Toddle Wednesday? Beautiful Toast What? Before They Went?

No? Please help the aged one. Not quite a superannuitant yet though. 45 days to go!

Harvey family said...

BTW - by the way

Greystone said...

Buy The Whey? Why would you want to do that Jo when you can have Trim Milk or Homogenised Milk or even Full Cream Milk?

Or even By The Whey. Sounds like the old cheesemaker to me who simply faded A Whey by leaving it in sun too long.

btw its Christmas soon and Sadie gets some time off to recuperate.

Carlos said...

wtf Sue...you know we know more about blogging than you, while you've been practicing and refining your art 'online' we have all been practicing 'offline' so you didnt suspect anything, now we have pounced, now you are our blog biatch !!! (at least until you come up with your next cool thing)
One other thing, it is our mission in life, as children, to try and confuse the 'olds' with internetisms. lmao

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

btw Carlos - wtf? ...LOL!

Carlos said...
