Friday 23 January 2009

New Home !!!!

Quick update before i forget....

Tanja and I are moving in togeather, we have been given the opportunity to look after a friend's house for 6 months to a year while they are away living in Germany with ther kids, we will be paying rent but is about half of what we pay combined now. We will be staying 6 months minimum, depending on how thier visa applications get on, if successful they will stay a year.

I have put a map ref below for your info, as is pretty exciting. 6 Acre property, you can see a big open area in the front, then the all the fruit trees (bannana, citris, stone fruit), some natives and then the house which is a big square around a courtyard with a pool, there are 7 chickens to look after and get eggs from, big vege patch and then a big area out the back with trees etc which goes off the side of the map.
Bit of a change in lifestyle from iving in townhouses, but am looking forward to it, and there is plenty of room for visitors (hint hint).
Will be moving over Waitangi weekend (actually have Friday 6th to get sorted and move on Sat 7th).
Obviously will advise of new phone number etc in due course.
Ok back to work now, have Monday off as Australia day.

View Larger Map

Thursday 22 January 2009


More camping photos as promised.
Almost done....

Ahhhh...thank God the tent's is up, now i can have a beer!!!

Friends Dunc and Tess came to see "what all the fuss was about bro?"

Hers's Isaac, Jesse and Tim (under there somewhere setting up their half of the tent, busy at work as you can see.

Isaac trying to get to China..

"So Dad, where are all these fish you were talking about?"

"There they are.....see!"

Well...i got a crab

"Dad...I still can't see any bloody fish, are you sure they are out there?"......."would i lie to you boy?"

"I will never doubt you again oh wise and noble one" Pretty cool fish Isaac got...finally.

Hells bells that was a close one, imagine if they didn't catch anything, would never hear the end of it, but a great day and time was had

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Holidays - It's been a while

Well, time has been making like a bird lately. Thought it about time i put a couple of pics up of the camping thing, i have more than these which i will add, if not tonight, then soon (as wasting a wee bit of time at work shhhhhh).

(Isaac enjoying sitting in Dad's chair)

A bit about the holiday - as you may know we had to break up the camping into two parts, partly due to me having to be at work and partly due to availability of camping site. So, first part was great except had stroms every night so just after the sun went down we were stuck inside for a few hours, but al least we woke up to beautiful days. I think the storms actually did the tent good, as aparently they need to be worn in with water and sun to help them become water-tight.

The second spell was great weather was much nicer, no storms, so could sit out at night and talk and play games.

(the Tent)

Anyway we spent a lot of the time on the beach swimming and boggy-boarding, building sand castles and of course burying ecah other up to our ears, in some cases a bit higher, fishing was great too all the boys caught fish, little Angle(type) fish in the river at the end of the beach, we went snorkling, Man it is amazing what is in there when your swimming around, was very cool, and generally eating loads of sasuages, burgers and the like all cooked by yours truely on the new $45 barging BBQ. Did not want to come home at the end of it, even though was very nice to have a warn shower and sleep without the sand everywhere.

(Isaac, don' think he changed, not wanting to leave)
Well, will put more up later of fish and swimming etc etc and maybe if your lucky of new years eve, which we managed to see in.