Friday 23 January 2009

New Home !!!!

Quick update before i forget....

Tanja and I are moving in togeather, we have been given the opportunity to look after a friend's house for 6 months to a year while they are away living in Germany with ther kids, we will be paying rent but is about half of what we pay combined now. We will be staying 6 months minimum, depending on how thier visa applications get on, if successful they will stay a year.

I have put a map ref below for your info, as is pretty exciting. 6 Acre property, you can see a big open area in the front, then the all the fruit trees (bannana, citris, stone fruit), some natives and then the house which is a big square around a courtyard with a pool, there are 7 chickens to look after and get eggs from, big vege patch and then a big area out the back with trees etc which goes off the side of the map.
Bit of a change in lifestyle from iving in townhouses, but am looking forward to it, and there is plenty of room for visitors (hint hint).
Will be moving over Waitangi weekend (actually have Friday 6th to get sorted and move on Sat 7th).
Obviously will advise of new phone number etc in due course.
Ok back to work now, have Monday off as Australia day.

View Larger Map


Greystone said...

Looks very exciting Carl. All the best for you and Tanja. The three boys are going to have a great time with plenty of room to be boys. Have you thought about building a kite for them? Some of my happy memories are building and flying kites as a youngster and then of course with you and your sisters in various places.

Mum is booked to come over 13 April. Good to talk with you yesterday. Sadie sends her best wishes too! She/he heh heh has been washing floors this morning. Part of the toughening up process recommended by you. She/he heh heh likes being noticed! Mercury has got to 30C at midday and will probably get to 32C. Cools off to 13C overnight though so still good sleeping and hunidity is about 60% so nice dry heat.

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

That sounds groove guys. Enjoy being country bupkins.

Harvey family said...

My only question was it that all the land with the house?!?! We'll be definitely booking a room at che'z Carl/Tanja!
April 13, did someone mention a birthday?!?! Ooops must have been me!
Take care all and we promise to update our site soon - been busy with holidays, etc and Thomas starts back at kindy on Wednesday so should get some time back to myself - yeah right?!?!

Carlos said...

Yes there is a house on all that land, you're all more than welcome at chez CarTan !!

Greystone said...

Make sure you have a large supply of cold ones for when you are nearly finished and when you are finished the shift Oh to be so young, good looking and fit!