Tuesday 24 February 2009

Gentleman's retreat

Kitchen and Dining (TV pit down to right of pic)

Kitchen and TV pit behind kitchen

Deck (pool on left just out of shot)

Mater Bedroom

Pool (from Master bedroom)

View of house from drive (after going through the trees !)
OK, you can work the rest out, veges, front yard etc orchard on the left of drive.

We are having an absolutely beautiful time living here, enjoying the outdoors alot more, kids are having a ball in the pool, and playing soccer on the front lawn, and chasing the sheep out the back, checking for eggs every morning, normally we get about 2 eggs a day on average (3 chickens), we are eating bananas of the trees, soon to have oranges, lemons, lychees, mangoes, and avocado's galore, have planted some veges so will be eating our own carrots, onions, beans, cucumbers and tomatoes soon.
Not looking froward to moving out however, but hey enjoy it while it lasts i say.
anyway hope you all have fun and talk soon.


Greystone said...

Looking forward to cominthe place with you. What a lovely place to bring up the boys even if it is temporary. Will make you want a plac eof your own.

Greystone said...

Wow! says Dad! How do you do it? What have you got that I haven't got! Cheers and love to you all. Dad

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

You are making me jealous. That looks awesome. Why does one live in Belgium again? Not for the weather and banana trees that is for sure.