Monday 22 June 2009

New starts

Hi all, sorry for the long delay in posting a new entry on this here blog. It's not really that i have been too busy, just too lazy !

All of you should know by now, if not, you do now. A new start for me is about to commence in July, i am going to study for 1 year to become a primary school teacher, yes just like my dear old Mum, (and for a time my sister). Am looking forward to it very much.

So what brought about this change in careers i hear you ask. Well, for some time now i have thought about it, and recently in the last few years have thought more seriously about it, and the last few months have brought about this momentous decision to fruition. I would suppose there are a lot of reasons why i have been thinking about this, however the overall one is wanting to have a positive influence on some young people lives, be able to pass on my life experience (warts and all) to give some a better chance at fulfilling their desires, and i love being around kids also. I know this may sound slightly tacky, but hey isn't that the stereotype anyway? Maybe i will grow a beard, buy a daggy jumper and wear it constantly, and wear long socks and sandals, or maybe not.

Classes start for me on 20th July, with some orientation happening the week previous, and i finish up my current job on 30th June, so will be house daddy during the school holidays before i start the course. Will be going to QUT at Kelvin Grove as this is the only campus that provides the mid-year intake this year, but it's not too far to go (not far from where i work currently).

Looks like we will be moving out of the house we are in sometime in late August, as the friends who are in Germany (who own the house) are having difficulty finding somewhere suitable to rent from then onwards, bit of a shame but will be good to setup somewhere that is our own, if you know what i mean.

Anyway, everything else is going along great, went away weekend before last for Tanja's birthday up to Montville and had a very relaxing time in a rain forest cabin just outside the township, i went horse riding for the first time ever and had a great time, don't know why i haven't done it earlier, actually was because i was shit scared, was not even very sore after a two hour ride.

Maddie our new lab pup is growing up and starting to listen every now and then, still living up to her name (short for Mad dog) running around in circles at top speed. Has started to push through the rusted parts of the fence and escape, have had to go home 3 or 4 times now and retrieve her from up the road, thanks god the neighbours have got her before she got hurt. Have spent many an hour on my knees fixing the fence holes. So any advise on how to discourage this behaviour would be appreciated !

Tanja and the boys are all well, Jesse and Tim's school is currently shut due to a case of swine flu, back this Friday, but no signs of any infection in our household to date, They are all enjoying their football on Saturdays (very busy day for Tanja and I). Isaac has just been accepted into Clairvaux McKillop secondary school (i know, shit!) for next year so he is frantically seeking instruction on tie tying.
Tanja has decided to pull her two out of Calamvale and send to a new school closer to where we will be setting up home, and after looking at a few schools decided Junction Park at Annerly was the best option (which is the school Isaac is currently at), so they start next term at Junction Park.
All for now bye, have fun and wish me luck.


Greystone said...

You have the skills of a raconteur Carl. Thanks very much for all the detail. As you know Mum and I are totally behind and supportive of your life changing decision. Having a supportive partner is really great! It only gets better the longer it lasts.

There is no instant cure for 'mad dog' syndrome. Time and some more weight fixes that. Rambo's time from back door to front door at Magnolia Drive started to get somewhat longer, dependant on how hungry he was though.

Helping the young to realise their talents is one of the most important things anyone can do. Perhaps it's somewhat easier when there is not gene lines to contend with.

We are looking forward to Christmas at Greystone with you, Tanja and all the boys. I have warned Picasso. He just winked and said, "Bring it on!"

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Well, we all been quite slack on the blogging front lately, so no harm there!

Rock on bro, and good luck!

As for dog escapaying.....find all the holes and build a tighter fence, thats the only thing that keeps my boys in.

Would love to see some pics of Maddie soon.

Carlos said...

Pictures coming soon, just need to get her to sit still for me to take a pic ;) Can't be that hard i hear you say.....

Greystone said...

Guys I really love the new look blog. The photo is great and very typical of you all.
We are now on holiday and go back the 20th July too. It will be interesting to keep up with your course. Anything I can help with is just an email away.
