Wednesday 25 November 2009

The last wee while

Hey all
I thought i had better add some photos and stories about the goings on of late.

As you all know we have now moved to Annerley and are living happily ever after, Uni has now finished for the year and school will be finishing in about 3 weeks (11th Dec) then we are off to NZ for two weeks which we are all looking forward to alot.
some photos below of school camp, just to prove that i did survive, and was voted "Mr Calm" for not losing my temper once, which apparently was quite an achievement. Park near our new home where Maddie can run and have fun in the water, about 5 mins walk away from our home which is great. There are also some pics of the puppet show that the boys school put on a few weekends ago, and a couple of us having fun in our new home, will have to take some photos of my newly created vege garden.
xx for now Carl.


Harvey family said...

Awesome Carl - didn't realise you had posted something till now. Life is looking great and you all look so relaxed - roll on summer aye! Can't wait till xmas and seeing you all. Thomas is very excited, you would not believe!!
Love and hugs, from us xoxoox

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Lovely to see the photos. Look out for the new and improve Vennik blog coming soon.

Greystone said...

Great photos - love the 'stacks-on-the-mill' one. Tis a sandwich. Cheers, Evan the Dad