Tuesday 8 December 2009

Pre Christmas Camping

About 6 weeks ago i finished building my new Vegetable garden and planted some veges. The sun is so hot during the day that i had to buy some shade cloth just to give the veges a chance to get started. The boys enjoy helping me plant, and water every afternoon after school, and needless to say Maddie tries to tell me she needs watering everyday too.

It is starting to get established, left front section are herbs, tomatoes on the right, lettuce, rocket, carrot, and capsicum down the back. I also have some sun flowers and beans about to grow up the trellis at the back.
Is a nice way to keep busy during the day, and saves us heaps of money on veges too.

Maddie is enjoying her new bed, and has learnt to stay on it when she is inside, so as a result is spending more time inside at night.

She tends to loose a little bit of class when she is deep in sleep, but we try not to judge.

We all spent some time putting up the Christmas tree the other night.
Here is a picture of the head elf (that's the beautiful one on the left) and the boss (that's the beautiful one on the right).

Tim got the honour of putting the angel on top, mostly cause he's the smallest.
Is it me or does that tree look like it's on a lean ? (doesn't in real life)...

As you can see Isaac and Jesse tend to spend most of their time in their undies, it is hot after all, and it's a lot easier than trying to colour coordinate.

We just spent a few days camping down at Kingscliff and all had a very nice time, unfortunately the camera ran out of power half way through, but Tanja did catch this shot of the Boys on the beach with the storm about to dump in the background, 5 mins later we were running for the shelter of the tent, half an hour after that it was all over. This is about 30 mins before sunset, but is almost pitch black due to the storm coming from the west. Made for a beautiful sunset though.


Harvey family said...

Awesome guys - looks like you having lots of fun!! Love the garden too, we are trying to do a smaller version, maybe some helpful hints when you come up?!!
Love Maddie's bed, although am curious as to how long she will last right beside the xmas tree, or rather how long the xmas tree will last!
Hey boys - make sure you bring a few more clothes to NZ - just a tad cooler here by the sea! We are planning some neat things to do, let us know if there are any "must do's" or things you are into on your list for NP/Taradise!

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Great photes. You remind me that we need to go shopping for a tree when I get home and some lights to light up out trees outside. Will make sure we blog some photos, planning to get the new blog up and running when I get home. I am so desperate to get home now....

Greystone said...

Mum and I identified the Christmas tree for Greystone yesterday - just up the road. Monday 21 December before 6pm is when selected persons will take a saw and cut it down and bring it back on the roof rack.

It is a Douglas Fir some 2m tall so Tim you have another job for the top of the tree seeing you are the experienced one. Cheers, Evan the Dad