Wednesday 12 May 2010

Happy Days

Some pictures from the Brisbane mob. Enjoy

Aww, Tim took this picture on Monday.

These photos were taken at the end of March when Jesse went to Band Camp at Cavendish Rd High School - this one time...

Isaac with Nick Earls, MP Vicky Darling and David Whitehill at our first Earth Hour press call.

Here is the pic Carl took running down the road. You didn't believe me did you??

Tim turned 8 in January and had a 'Survivor' party. Carl was Jeff and everyone had a ball, it was so much fun. The eating challenge was the favourite competition of the day. Kids collected medallions for winning challenges and at the end they were allowed to pick prizes in order of most to least. The winning team received extra lollies. some of the boys went home telling their mums this was the best party ever. I wonder what we can come up with for Isaac and Jesse in November.....

Lots of love from Brisbane.

Stay tuned for Sea World pics in the next post.

Friday 7 May 2010

It's Been Too Long

Well, the mad boys are all back at school, and the beautiful princess is biding her time at home, cooking delicious dinners and scrumptious treats for her wonderful family of mischievous males. Soon enough, she will have to return to the land of the folk who work for a living, and will no longer be a lady of leisure.
So, yes, in between lodging some 70 odd job applications, showing up to the odd interview and spending lots of time at Tim & Jesse’s school, I thought I would give everyone an update on what has been happening in the lives of the Morch mob in Brisbane.

A lot has happened since our return from beautiful New Zealand, we all had the most amazing holiday, and cannot wait to return for more. Carl, Jesse, Tim and I returned to Brissie shortly after New Year, and the first thing the two young ones did was take all their clothes off and run around in their normal Brissie outfit. UNDERPANTS!

Young Isaac stayed a little longer in NZ and cycled the Otago Rail Trail with Jenny and Bruce.He had a ball and lots of tales to tell upon his return to sunny Brisbane late in January.

Soon enough, it was back to school. Day one for the youngest Morch at Clairvaux McKillop High School. Dad was very proud indeed, and ran down the road taking pictures. Isaac’s old principal from Junction Park also mentioned how grown up he looked in his uniform. I must say I am very impressed with the amount of work and effort Isaac is putting into his high school studies. Often while Tim and Jes get to muck around, Isaac is sitting doing his homework. He is very dedicated and determined to do well, which I am sure his report card later this term will reflect. Very soon he will start playing Oztag for school winter sport, and is really looking forward to it.

Jesse is now in grade 5 and still loving Junction Park State School, the Principal knows him by name, and I am not sure this is a good or bad thing?? Just kidding, he is doing really well, and is quite a busy young lad what with trumpet and soccer commitments weekly. He has trumpet practice on a Monday and this one time even got to go to band camp. At the end of term 1 he spent 4 days at Cavendish Road High on band camp with a couple of hundred kids from around the area. On the last day they put on a concert for parents, it was just amazing. Jesse’s group played The Mickey Mouse March and We Will Rock You, as well as this, all the kids got together and sang three songs. I was blown away and very proud. On a Friday he plays interschool soccer for the junior school team, and whilst they haven’t had very many wins, he is getting some great goalie practice. One of the bonuses of me not working is that I get to go down to the Annerley soccer fields on a Friday afternoon and watch Jesse’s team play. The boys all think I am ‘really nice’ as I have been bringing them fruit for half time. Twice now though I have ended up washing all the team shirts….. hmmm

Young Tim, aka shark bait, is going great guns in Year 3. He is working hard and getting great results. I am very curious what his report card will look like, as behaviour has always been a struggle in class, but I have a feeling that this semester he might just get a fantastic mark. He has made lots and lots of friends and is regularly having play dates and cinema visits. Quite a busy little social life for an 8 year old.

All three boys are playing club soccer again this season, Tim and Jes at Clairvaux FC, and Isaac at Annerley FC, as Clairvaux could not field a team in his age group. Needless to say this makes Saturday mornings a little bit challenging, but so far, so good. I am managing Jesse’s soccer team this season, and am pretty excited that they have had three straight wins with a 20point goal difference so far. At the moment both Jes and Isaac are waiting on their fixtures to be finalised, after the first three rounds of grading matches, so they both miss out on a game tomorrow. Young Tim has a 9am kickoff at Clairvaux, and then Carl and the lads are heading out to do some mother’s day shopping. I have already found one yummy present at the back of the fridge, YUM!

On Monday Carl starts his last round of prac at Cavendish Road State High. This is one of the better schools in the area, and I think he has lucked out big time getting a spot there. He has had a few observation days this week and last week, and from the sounds will have an enjoyable month or so there. Hard to believe the year of ‘back to uni’ is nearly over, time has gone incredibly fast. Looking forward to the graduation and having a big party after – of course you are all invited. Once we know the exact date will definitely let you know. Will be serving up some Brizzie crush on the night.

It was so funny when Kris and Greg came to visit after Easter, we realised that not one of us was earning any money – 1 student and 3 unemployed job seekers. I am sure a few months down the track that situation will have changed for all of us. We had a wonderful time with Kris and Greg here, and look forward to more visits soon. The kids are all pretty excited about Thomas coming to visit in a couple of months. Jo, make sure you bring some warm clothes, we are starting to have some pretty cool weather. Still the sun is shining, so all good.

Well, as for me, I am still waiting for the ‘right’ job to come along. Despite sending out some 80 applications, I have not had a lot of positive response, which is bizarre. Currently I have three government job applications pending, so am really hoping I will get some interview call ups over the next week or so. If there is one thing I learned at WWF though, anything to do with the government takes a long, long time. Well, fingers crossed and sooner or later it will happen.

This morning I helped out at the mother’s day stall at school, and I am loving being able to spend time at school and meeting other parents. Next Saturday the 15th is the annual school fete at Junction Park, and I have been doing a lot of promotion / advertising for it. Something I could not have even considered if I was working full time. On Tuesday a photographer from the local paper came out to take a picture for this week’s edition, Tim and Jes are both in the photo, so can’t wait to the see the paper on Thursday.

Well, that is a very condensed update from us, promise that we will post a bit more frequently from now on. Hope everyone is well, have a fabulous weekend, hope to see you all soon.