Wednesday 12 May 2010

Happy Days

Some pictures from the Brisbane mob. Enjoy

Aww, Tim took this picture on Monday.

These photos were taken at the end of March when Jesse went to Band Camp at Cavendish Rd High School - this one time...

Isaac with Nick Earls, MP Vicky Darling and David Whitehill at our first Earth Hour press call.

Here is the pic Carl took running down the road. You didn't believe me did you??

Tim turned 8 in January and had a 'Survivor' party. Carl was Jeff and everyone had a ball, it was so much fun. The eating challenge was the favourite competition of the day. Kids collected medallions for winning challenges and at the end they were allowed to pick prizes in order of most to least. The winning team received extra lollies. some of the boys went home telling their mums this was the best party ever. I wonder what we can come up with for Isaac and Jesse in November.....

Lots of love from Brisbane.

Stay tuned for Sea World pics in the next post.

1 comment:

Greystone said...

What a lovely set of heart-warming photos.

Such good-looking happy people! Families are forever! Who said that first?

Boy Isaac do you look so cool in your uniform, and Jesse the cornet or is it a trumpet you have. What is your favourite piece to play? Tim, well what can one say about an 8 year old. Probably the best year of one's life. Not too young and not too old. Enjoy being carefree.

And what can one say about Carl and Tanja - great photo - the photo says it all!

Love from Greystone.