Thursday 22 January 2009


More camping photos as promised.
Almost done....

Ahhhh...thank God the tent's is up, now i can have a beer!!!

Friends Dunc and Tess came to see "what all the fuss was about bro?"

Hers's Isaac, Jesse and Tim (under there somewhere setting up their half of the tent, busy at work as you can see.

Isaac trying to get to China..

"So Dad, where are all these fish you were talking about?"

"There they are.....see!"

Well...i got a crab

"Dad...I still can't see any bloody fish, are you sure they are out there?"......."would i lie to you boy?"

"I will never doubt you again oh wise and noble one" Pretty cool fish Isaac got...finally.

Hells bells that was a close one, imagine if they didn't catch anything, would never hear the end of it, but a great day and time was had


Greystone said...

I remember Taupo in 1990 when you and Mum each caught trout and I didn't oh wise and noble one! Do you remember the Mangetepopo hut below Tongariro and Ngauruhoe. That's where we stayed one night. Well it was in the Mangetepopo river that started alongside in which, lower down, the Elim College students were drowned in a flash flood early last year.

By the way we still have a photo of you with your first fish. Poppa Jack took you down to the New Plymouth Moturoa wharf near the bottom of Bayly Road when you joined the fishermen's ranks.

Greystone said...

Welcome to the ranks of the fishermen Isaac! How big and how heavy was it? Did you know that fish that we catch get bigger and heavier as time passes? LOL fra Farfar