Thursday 8 October 2009

All Hail Mr Morch !!

Look its Mr Morch !!! My first observation day last term i managed to sneak into the school photos, and we got them delivered to school yesterday.
As i said to the kids "now your stuck with me for ever, mwah haha".
But is pretty cool aye.
All hail Mr Morch (that's me by the way, not Dad).


Harvey family said...

Awesome Carl - just imagine one day soon they will all be yours! Your very own class of brats (as I always called mine, hint, but not to them) love us xoxoxo

Greystone said...

Real cool Carl! It's a great career you have chosen - not for everyone though. Real personal skills are needed and you have them. Re Mr Morch you can be Mr Morch the younger, good looking one, me Mr Morch the older, hirsute one, and Uncle Evan in Danmark, Mr Morch the aged, danske one.