Wednesday 9 December 2009

Isaac's Grade 7 Graduation

Last night was the official end of Isaac's primary education, my how the years have flown by.

We took a few snaps on the night, but the light was not great, so only limited to these four. But i think i might use this space for some words to Isaac.

So here is my little ode to Isaac.

You make me so proud to be your Dad mate, not just on nights like tonight, but every day i feel so blessed to have you as my son. The way that you conduct yourself everyday, to me, you are what a real man should be, caring, thoughtful, kind, generous, selfless and proud of who you are.

The things you have achieved at primary school are too many to name here, you know what they are. What you may not know is how respected you were by the teaching staff at Junction Park, they have always commented to me and others on what a wonderful student you are and how caring you are to others in the school. When Jesse and Tim started this year I heard many stories of you looking after them, and just helping them become part of the school, Tanja and I thank you for that. Mrs Woods (Principle) said to me just last week, "Isaac is one of those kids you just enjoy having around, he is always willing to help and does it with a smile, he will be missed at Junction Park", What more can we ask for.

I know that you are going to have a great time at high school, i know how scary it seems right now, but believe me, in a few short months you will be having the time of your life, make the most of it. Remember to be yourself in everything you do, don't change for anyone, and always look after your mates.
In this world we are not about what jobs we have, what cloths we wear, what cars we drive, or what house we live in. We are about who we love, and who loves us. Friends and family are
what keep us living.
Congratulations Isaac for graduating grade 7, you rock !!!!
xxx your Dad


Kiwis in Huldenberg said...


Harvey family said...

Me too! Beautiful Carl - what a special dad (and uncle) you are!

Harvey family said...

Aren't you so lucky Isaac - have a great holiday and see you soon! I bet you will love high school - enjoy the summer first before you start to think of it. From a wise aunty!

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

New blog at Can you change your links?

Kristina Martin said...

not a dry eye in the house!

Greystone said...

Hi Guys, as usual it takes us a few days to catch up on things. Congratulations Isaac on finally getting yourself through primary school. Just remember: "If you want to fly with eagles don't work with monkies"!!!

We are looking forward to having another man in the house. Lots of love Bestemor

Well done Carl, It takes village to being up a child but it takes a man to teach a young man how to act. Love Mum

Greystone said...

Carl my Son.

You will continue to be an inspiration to many of all ages. Particularly the males that have had the good fortune to have had you as a son, brother, father, uncle, mentor, friend AND teacher.

Arohanui, Evan the Dad