Thursday 3 December 2009

Maddies first birthday

Well today was Maddie's frist brithday, and it was celebrated in style as is usual around here.

Here she is with her new chew toys, on her new inside bed. The chew toys did not last very long, less than 20 mins and was already ripped apart (may have to avoid the cheap one next time).

Here she is in her birthday hat enjoying the new bed.

Ahhhh cake....ummm can i go first please, it is my birthday after all.


Harvey family said...

Very gorgeous Maddie! Happy 1st Birthday. Looks like the boys enjoyed it all too.

Kiwis in Huldenberg said...

Happy first birthday from your cousins Frodo and Forrest - woof Flemish voof voof and french wouf wouf.

Greystone said...

A dog on a bed? What a life! Almost as good as mine (life and bed). Kristina and Greg have mastered the art of getting a dog to stay on a bed. The late Tobek certainly understood 'choice' language. 'Doggy Bastard'(when said dog got off) being the politest one. Some good pointers there boys.