Friday 11 December 2009

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Isaac's Grade 7 Graduation

Last night was the official end of Isaac's primary education, my how the years have flown by.

We took a few snaps on the night, but the light was not great, so only limited to these four. But i think i might use this space for some words to Isaac.

So here is my little ode to Isaac.

You make me so proud to be your Dad mate, not just on nights like tonight, but every day i feel so blessed to have you as my son. The way that you conduct yourself everyday, to me, you are what a real man should be, caring, thoughtful, kind, generous, selfless and proud of who you are.

The things you have achieved at primary school are too many to name here, you know what they are. What you may not know is how respected you were by the teaching staff at Junction Park, they have always commented to me and others on what a wonderful student you are and how caring you are to others in the school. When Jesse and Tim started this year I heard many stories of you looking after them, and just helping them become part of the school, Tanja and I thank you for that. Mrs Woods (Principle) said to me just last week, "Isaac is one of those kids you just enjoy having around, he is always willing to help and does it with a smile, he will be missed at Junction Park", What more can we ask for.

I know that you are going to have a great time at high school, i know how scary it seems right now, but believe me, in a few short months you will be having the time of your life, make the most of it. Remember to be yourself in everything you do, don't change for anyone, and always look after your mates.
In this world we are not about what jobs we have, what cloths we wear, what cars we drive, or what house we live in. We are about who we love, and who loves us. Friends and family are
what keep us living.
Congratulations Isaac for graduating grade 7, you rock !!!!
xxx your Dad

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Pre Christmas Camping

About 6 weeks ago i finished building my new Vegetable garden and planted some veges. The sun is so hot during the day that i had to buy some shade cloth just to give the veges a chance to get started. The boys enjoy helping me plant, and water every afternoon after school, and needless to say Maddie tries to tell me she needs watering everyday too.

It is starting to get established, left front section are herbs, tomatoes on the right, lettuce, rocket, carrot, and capsicum down the back. I also have some sun flowers and beans about to grow up the trellis at the back.
Is a nice way to keep busy during the day, and saves us heaps of money on veges too.

Maddie is enjoying her new bed, and has learnt to stay on it when she is inside, so as a result is spending more time inside at night.

She tends to loose a little bit of class when she is deep in sleep, but we try not to judge.

We all spent some time putting up the Christmas tree the other night.
Here is a picture of the head elf (that's the beautiful one on the left) and the boss (that's the beautiful one on the right).

Tim got the honour of putting the angel on top, mostly cause he's the smallest.
Is it me or does that tree look like it's on a lean ? (doesn't in real life)...

As you can see Isaac and Jesse tend to spend most of their time in their undies, it is hot after all, and it's a lot easier than trying to colour coordinate.

We just spent a few days camping down at Kingscliff and all had a very nice time, unfortunately the camera ran out of power half way through, but Tanja did catch this shot of the Boys on the beach with the storm about to dump in the background, 5 mins later we were running for the shelter of the tent, half an hour after that it was all over. This is about 30 mins before sunset, but is almost pitch black due to the storm coming from the west. Made for a beautiful sunset though.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Maddies first birthday

Well today was Maddie's frist brithday, and it was celebrated in style as is usual around here.

Here she is with her new chew toys, on her new inside bed. The chew toys did not last very long, less than 20 mins and was already ripped apart (may have to avoid the cheap one next time).

Here she is in her birthday hat enjoying the new bed.

Ahhhh cake....ummm can i go first please, it is my birthday after all.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

The last wee while

Hey all
I thought i had better add some photos and stories about the goings on of late.

As you all know we have now moved to Annerley and are living happily ever after, Uni has now finished for the year and school will be finishing in about 3 weeks (11th Dec) then we are off to NZ for two weeks which we are all looking forward to alot.
some photos below of school camp, just to prove that i did survive, and was voted "Mr Calm" for not losing my temper once, which apparently was quite an achievement. Park near our new home where Maddie can run and have fun in the water, about 5 mins walk away from our home which is great. There are also some pics of the puppet show that the boys school put on a few weekends ago, and a couple of us having fun in our new home, will have to take some photos of my newly created vege garden.
xx for now Carl.

Thursday 8 October 2009

All Hail Mr Morch !!

Look its Mr Morch !!! My first observation day last term i managed to sneak into the school photos, and we got them delivered to school yesterday.
As i said to the kids "now your stuck with me for ever, mwah haha".
But is pretty cool aye.
All hail Mr Morch (that's me by the way, not Dad).

Monday 28 September 2009

Back from the brink

Hi all who care (that's all of you in case you've frogotten).

I cannot believe it but it's school holiday time again, more to the point all my assignments are in (except one that is Due Nov 4th) hence this blog entry.

Yes, i have been a busy boy since the last entry, no excuse i know, what with Uni and all, so here is a quick rundown on what we have been up to.

Tim and Jesse changed schools to Junction Park (same as Isaac) and are having a great time, love the school etc etc, we ending up moving house earlier than expected as the people who owned the house we were in decided Brisbane was a better place to be than Germany (go figure), so we found a nice little place in Annerley two streets away from the boys school, so they can now walk to and from every day, closer for both myself and Tanja to get to Uni and work respectively, and all in all a very handy position, also close to bus for Isaac to go to High School next year (ahhhhhh). We are very happy in our own (not quite) little home, Maddie has grown so much, as is still a very good natured dog, really great fro the kids.

Uni is going really well, very busy, but well worth it. Have had two days at my prac school, and about to start a 4 week block, which i am looking forward too.
I'm sure there has been other stuff, but hey, you snooze you lose.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

It's the holidays !

Welcome to the holidays, for the first time in a long time I'm on school holidays!

Resident carer Carl, at your service.
Having now finished work, and the kids on holdidays, i thought i should give a bit of an update on what we have been up to recently, as i think that in no time at all I will be far too busy studying to be able to talk to anyone, let alone blog the details of our lives. Anyway.

So, it all started with a bit of a lazy day, sitting around in the dirt, enjoying the sunshine and good company.

Then, the sun started to go down, so we went out the front yard and waited to see what the sun would do once it went behind the bushes.

Well, it was certainly worth the wait.

On, Monday 6th Isaac, Jesse, Tim and Carl decided we had had enough the city, and decided to go prospecting, what for? I hear you ask. Well, Thuder Eggs I tell ye! Thunder Eggs are formed by volcanic gasses being trapped in the earth and over many many many years and become somewhat focilised, creating all sorts of wonderful patterns and sometime crystals inside.

Isaac, sat pawing at the ground hopeing something would mericulously appera in front of his eyes.

Tim, thought maybe if i bash the crap out of the ground, then they will tire of that and jump out at him yelling "stop enough already, just take me, leave the others in peace", but alas, to no avail.

Jesse manage to fing th biggest "rock" he could find, decided to call it a Thuder Egg and started excavating it, soon joined by the others, who were convinced dear old Dad would lug the thing 500 metres down the hill. Well, guess what. Many an hour spent excavating only to be advised, NO ! We are not taking that thing down!

So we went home with our buckets full of smaller samplings and resented our weary eyes for a time.

On, Sunday we decided to have a BOMB! Fire, where we toasted marshmellow and ourselves, the dogs slobbered all over the place trying to get the marshmellows and generally had a great time trying to keep warm enough without burning our asses! Was great fun and boys had a great sleep afterwards.

Monday 22 June 2009

New starts

Hi all, sorry for the long delay in posting a new entry on this here blog. It's not really that i have been too busy, just too lazy !

All of you should know by now, if not, you do now. A new start for me is about to commence in July, i am going to study for 1 year to become a primary school teacher, yes just like my dear old Mum, (and for a time my sister). Am looking forward to it very much.

So what brought about this change in careers i hear you ask. Well, for some time now i have thought about it, and recently in the last few years have thought more seriously about it, and the last few months have brought about this momentous decision to fruition. I would suppose there are a lot of reasons why i have been thinking about this, however the overall one is wanting to have a positive influence on some young people lives, be able to pass on my life experience (warts and all) to give some a better chance at fulfilling their desires, and i love being around kids also. I know this may sound slightly tacky, but hey isn't that the stereotype anyway? Maybe i will grow a beard, buy a daggy jumper and wear it constantly, and wear long socks and sandals, or maybe not.

Classes start for me on 20th July, with some orientation happening the week previous, and i finish up my current job on 30th June, so will be house daddy during the school holidays before i start the course. Will be going to QUT at Kelvin Grove as this is the only campus that provides the mid-year intake this year, but it's not too far to go (not far from where i work currently).

Looks like we will be moving out of the house we are in sometime in late August, as the friends who are in Germany (who own the house) are having difficulty finding somewhere suitable to rent from then onwards, bit of a shame but will be good to setup somewhere that is our own, if you know what i mean.

Anyway, everything else is going along great, went away weekend before last for Tanja's birthday up to Montville and had a very relaxing time in a rain forest cabin just outside the township, i went horse riding for the first time ever and had a great time, don't know why i haven't done it earlier, actually was because i was shit scared, was not even very sore after a two hour ride.

Maddie our new lab pup is growing up and starting to listen every now and then, still living up to her name (short for Mad dog) running around in circles at top speed. Has started to push through the rusted parts of the fence and escape, have had to go home 3 or 4 times now and retrieve her from up the road, thanks god the neighbours have got her before she got hurt. Have spent many an hour on my knees fixing the fence holes. So any advise on how to discourage this behaviour would be appreciated !

Tanja and the boys are all well, Jesse and Tim's school is currently shut due to a case of swine flu, back this Friday, but no signs of any infection in our household to date, They are all enjoying their football on Saturdays (very busy day for Tanja and I). Isaac has just been accepted into Clairvaux McKillop secondary school (i know, shit!) for next year so he is frantically seeking instruction on tie tying.
Tanja has decided to pull her two out of Calamvale and send to a new school closer to where we will be setting up home, and after looking at a few schools decided Junction Park at Annerly was the best option (which is the school Isaac is currently at), so they start next term at Junction Park.
All for now bye, have fun and wish me luck.

Saturday 18 April 2009

The Suprise

So anyway, Mum has been with us for a few days now and having a relaxing and enjoyable time. Spent Tuesday at Australia Zoo with all the boys, Tanja and Carl, then spent Wednesday afternoon lunching with Tanja's parents down at their home in Teviot Downs south of Brisbane.
Thursday night the suprise came, Dad (Evan) decided to pop in us from Greytown. This was a suprise to all but Tanja and I obviously, he had to get permission, Isaac was very excited to see Farfar and i think Mum was too, at least i think they were tears of joy.

We have got back from watching a few boys play soccer this morning, Tim lost 4-1, Jesse won 11-6, and Isaac won a tight game 2-1.

Sandy has now been officaly re-named, and is now know as Maddie (Madaline) due to her tendancy to be a little on the silly side on occasion (Mad-Dog) not unlike the late great Rambo (dog version),

Mum and Dad have just got out of the pool, pics of the mad Kiwi's will follow shortly.

Bye for now.

Friday 10 April 2009

New addittion to the family

Finally ....I'm allowed a new dog, i've been waiting almost 20 years for this. Today we got a delivery of a 4 month old golden Lab (she's our biatch). Friends of some friends got her and don't have enough time for her so we accepted the challenge to provide her with a loving home.

Here's Tim and Jesse and Carl and Sandy (soon to be the dog formally known as Sandy) Isaac's the one behind the camera, Think Tanja was cooking something yummy, and Heidi (dog that we are looking after), Heidi and Sandy are getting on great

Isn't she cute, reminds me of a mad-dog i used to run around with in my youth. Sure the boys will have many years of fun and chewed shoes !!
So just thought would show you those pics. Looking forward to Mum coming to Brisbane soon. Happy Easter to all of you.

Tuesday 31 March 2009

Been a while

It's been a while since last update, apologies to all, been pretty busy with work and home etc.

We had a housewarming party a couple of weeks back, come dressed as your favourite rock-star, or in many cases come as anyone you can think ! Needless to say a good night was had by all, assisted somewhat by the jelly shots (maybe put a wee bit much Vodka in them).

I think that's Carole King

That's Mike Ness (early Social Distortion years) kissing a very hot looking Posh Spice.

Not sure if this next photo was the next day (me doubts it) but thought you might like to see the happy family.

And, lastly i couldn't resist putting this one on for you to see, Isaac and Jesse dressing up being stupid. (dont know where they get that from)

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Gentleman's retreat

Kitchen and Dining (TV pit down to right of pic)

Kitchen and TV pit behind kitchen

Deck (pool on left just out of shot)

Mater Bedroom

Pool (from Master bedroom)

View of house from drive (after going through the trees !)
OK, you can work the rest out, veges, front yard etc orchard on the left of drive.

We are having an absolutely beautiful time living here, enjoying the outdoors alot more, kids are having a ball in the pool, and playing soccer on the front lawn, and chasing the sheep out the back, checking for eggs every morning, normally we get about 2 eggs a day on average (3 chickens), we are eating bananas of the trees, soon to have oranges, lemons, lychees, mangoes, and avocado's galore, have planted some veges so will be eating our own carrots, onions, beans, cucumbers and tomatoes soon.
Not looking froward to moving out however, but hey enjoy it while it lasts i say.
anyway hope you all have fun and talk soon.